Sunday, November 18, 2018

Module 12 video review

First Video: Uncertainty: Modernity and Art
     I chose this video because of the mystery sense behind it. I was unsure of what this video was exactly going to detail but it sounded interesting to me.

Key Concepts:

  • After industrial revolution art and way of thinking changes
  • art was idealized now its turned to questioning 
  • art now responding to the problem, modern life
  • Picasso started to break the barriers, became unpredictable
  • Hitler stages art exhibitions that told people how to feel
  • grids on New York skyscrapers influenced he Dutch artist to create square and lines of colors that don't look like anything. He is testing purity
  • by putting the right questions together the art can make his/her art make you feel
  • Chinese rushed to American Avant Garde style once freedom of arts happened

This video relates to the text by providing details on how art has progressed through the years by showing various artists and their work and how it changed as the world changed.

I thought this film was kind of all over the place but it showed many art pieces that are not usually in classroom videos and I learned many interesting facts about them.

Second Video: Andy Warhol: Images of an Image 
I chose this video because I wanted to be introduced to more of Andy Warhol's work other than the Campbell's soup cans

Key Concepts;
  • Andy Warhol didn't originally want to be and artist
  • Mass consumerism was at a high
  • Repetition work
  • focused on actress life over time
  • used silk screening in most of his work
  • used silk screening as a means to get work out fast to make more money
  • wanted to show how much manufacturing is taking over
  • he wanted his art simply another consumer good like Coca Cola or Campbell's soup
  • was obsessed with celebrity
  • then used Polaroids and paint to add to his work
  • started producing self portraits

This video relates to the text in a way that it shows Warhol's life and how he came to be but the video gave many details and other examples of his art. 

I thought the video gave a new insight for me into Andy Warhol's life. It was very informative and put together nicely. 

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