Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lecture Questions

3 most important facts:

  1. Visual culture is apart of our everyday life and can help create a voice when words do not suffice.
  2. Visual culture allows us to see how things were made in the past and in the present, allows us to see the shifts.
  3. The United States is a country on edge because after the early 2000’s because of the shift seen in visual culture because of what the country had just gone through.

Discuss the role of an art educator in regards to visual culture

Art educators are here to help children be able to see differently which can be reenforced with stong examples of visual culture. To help children be able to breakdown what they are viewing.

What do you think can you take away from this lecture and apply in your future classroom as an art educator?

For this lecture, I took away the importance of helping children, while in this younger state, view images and have an opinion on them, to show them the right images to help them learn form the past and view what is going on in the present with contemporary art as well.

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