Sunday, November 11, 2018

Module 11 video responce

First video: Dada and Surrealism

 Why I chose it:
     I chose this video because of my love for surrealism and because I did not have previous knowledge of dada.

Key Concepts:

  • Rise of dada in mid 50s
  • Shivitter wanted his art to show everything in the world.
  • He used geometric patterns and color blocks.
  • Passed away while working in England
  • Mix of cubist painting and gothic architecture
  • Started forming collages
  • Wanted the world of art and of tech to combine
  • Mirro rejected the  normal visual trick ides from the 17th century
  • Mirro took shapes he saw in other paintings to create other objects like a foot silhouette in his paintings
  • Dali created a painting, The Burning Giraffe, to make the viewer ask many questions. 
  • 1930 Dali settled 
  • Created psychological suspenseful paintings
  • Overheard a conversations of someone saying a chest of drawers, so that is what he painted. The upper half of a nude women made of drawers.
  • He believed he was the only true surrealist painter.
Second video:  Expressionism
Why I chose it:
     I chose this being I have slight background knowledge so I wanted to learn more in this topic.

Key Concepts:
  • Edward Munch, Norway, had an intense creation period.
  • Reoccurring theme was the struggle between man and woman
  • Munch painted extreme mind states with nightmare qualities.
  • He had depression and drove himself to a nervous breakdown
  • wanted to clearify life
  • Marcs uses color to help show the animal, not details. did not want to copy nature.
  •  Blue Rider Group 
  • Ernest Ludwig Kirschner used quick nervous brush stokes in 1913-1915 in his street scene series.
  • Beckmann style change because of WWI
  • 1933 dismissed form art school
  • Kiefer made, "The Great Friends" shows scenes of loss and large lifeless stiff bodies standing in a wasteland
  • Used earth in his paintings sand, dirt and wood. 
  • He used dark colors and geometrical perspective in painting " Interior" 

How does the videos relate to the text:
     Like the text, the videos show details and explain the work of the artist and thier paintings throughout the span of an important art movement.

My opinion of the videos:
   I thought the videos were very informative but drawn out. They didn't keep me as interested as some of the other videos we have watched. I did learn things about Salvador Dali that I hadn't known before.

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