Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Logo Development.

When creating my logo, at first I wasn't sure what I wanted to say about myself. So this is what came out first, an abstract view of my signature.

I wasn't liking my first try at all. 
I wanted to show my signature with a paintbrush. Simple showed me enough without being in your face obnoxious.                                               
So then I wanted to go back to my signature that I put on everything and I wanted an art element to it, I liked this one but still thought it could use more.

Then I realized that I have more to
offer than just painting. I do crafts, 
I draw, I print, I do custom work, 
really anything.

So I left of with this one. Easy to see, simple
shows I have a lot to offer.From the videos and power 
point I learned that a logo must be simple, strong and 
must show who you are as a person or a company.

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