Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mask Making module 10


These are the three masks I chose for inspiration. I really enjoyed the shape and color of them. In these masks, the element and principles at use help create a whole idea/ image intended for their purpose. Color, Line, Repetition, Shape, and Contrast are what I see being the most useful and pronounced elements and principles. Color was used to help show vibrancy of he culture and form the facial shapes. Contrast from the dark material then the bright colors help draw your eye in and help make the piece more fun to look at. Line and repetition was used to emphasize different important facial features such as the eyes.

I started out with a sketch of a elongated mask with textured hair and line and color qualities

My finished mask required color, shape, repetition, and texture.
I believed if I focused on these elements and principles I could make a mask that could resemble such as my reference mask photos.
I used twine to create the hair and blue, red, white, and green for the colors because they were simplistic and earthy. I do think I could have added more or created a better mask with more materials but I did enjoy making this mask and would do it again in the future, 

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