Sunday, October 28, 2018

Module 9, Video Review

1. Explain why I chose the two videos that I did:
        I chose the Albrecht Durer and Velazquez videos because I remember enjoying learning about them in art history classes and wanted to learn more about their inspiration and life behind the prints and paintings.

2a. Key concepts I learned:

Albrecht Durer

  • Lived from 1471-1528
  • Apprenticed his father first, a goldsmith
  • 1489 traveled to continue his learning.
  • Painted himself at age 22
  • Was the first landscape artist in Europe
  • Used watercolor and gouache for his landscapes, he was able to capture the light of the different landscape
  • 1506 got a major commission.
  • in a year he made 4 series of woodcuts 
2b. Key concepts I learned:
  •  1599-1660 Seville
  • At a young age made court painter to Phillip IV
  • Known for capturing a timeless moment
  • Velazquez had little social life, his wife and the king was all he had
  • Reubens saw Velazquez work and persuaded him to come to Italy, he went and studied some of the major artist of the time.
  • Stayed distant from the background in his work, Feeling rather than how it looks
  • Jester paintings new breakthrough
  • Everything he painted reflected him in someway
  • used little color
3. How do the videos relate to the text:
   These videos gave a broader understanding of the artist but both discussed the artists life and accomplishments

4. What is my opinion on the videos:
    I think these videos were very educational and easier to follow than some other videos. They added another layer of understanding from the text and gave more visuals. They explained step by step through the artist life and had extra facts that I previously did not know.

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