Monday, September 16, 2019

Adobe Illustrator Videos

1. Raster vs Vector based photographs: RASTER is groups of pixels on a grid to form the image and it has a fixed resolution. The VECTOR based photographs are resolution independent and can be scaled up or down without losing quality.

2. Selecting the right category helps you get set up for your project early on.

3. Double click on the art board tab that you want to zoom in to.

4. Transform selection is where you change the shapes properties.

5. You can select paths to make them appear to have that brush stroke.Window menu-brushes.

6.Hold down shift key to make your own colors at the swatches button.

7. You can adjust corners of the text box to change the text path.

8.In view menu you can hide the bounding box in free form.

9. Control panel lists the most important tools for you left to right, you can also adjust these and pick different options.

10. Three different ways to view artwork: Overprint preview mods, Pixel preview mode, Trim view mode.

11. Arrange command button allows you to easily control layers in front or behind another

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